Can Siblings Force the Sale of an Inherited Property in Nebraska?

Can Siblings Force the Sale of an Inherited Property in Nebraska?

Can Siblings Force the Sale of an Inherited Property in Nebraska?

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is undoubtedly difficult, and it becomes even more complex when you have to navigate the often thorny issue of dividing an inherited property.

If you’ve recently inherited a property with your siblings in Nebraska, you might find it challenging to agree on what to do with it. Questions arise – should you sell the house? Keep it as a rental property? Or perhaps one of you would like to live in it?

This article aims to clarify your options, especially if one or more siblings are forcing the sale of inherited property. We’ll provide you with the essential legal aspects and practical advice to navigate this tricky situation. So keep reading ahead! 

Can Siblings Force the Sale of an Inherited Property?

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that siblings can legally force the sale of inherited property. If you and your siblings have become co-owners of a property, each of you has rights concerning that property. This is regardless of whether the property was inherited as joint tenants or as tenants in common. 

In cases where some siblings wish to sell the property while others do not, the option of a partition lawsuit exists. A partition lawsuit is a legal process that allows a co-owner to compel the sale of the property. However, this should typically be seen as a last resort due to potential legal fees and strained family relationships. In such cases, it’s best to explore other options. 

One alternative is a buyout agreement, where one sibling purchases the shares of the others. This can provide a solution if all parties do not desire to sell the property. Seeking legal advice is crucial to ensure a fair and smooth process.

It’s important to note that a partition lawsuit can also result in the forced sale of a primary residence. Being aware of all potential outcomes is essential. As a co-owner, you are entitled to a fair share of the sale proceeds based on the property’s market value.

Negotiating and reaching agreements outside of court can minimize legal expenses and stress. Mediation can be a helpful tool for resolving disputes and achieving a mutually satisfactory resolution.

Complex situations may arise when dealing with a newly inherited property split between siblings or selling a house in probate. In such cases, it is advisable to seek legal advice and understand the probate process. Legal professionals can assist in assessing the situation and making informed decisions.

We at Element Homebuyers understand these challenges and are here to help. With us, you can rest assured that we buy houses in Papillion and in other areas in Nebraska, making the process easier and smoother for you.

What If You Want to Keep an Inherited House?

Deciding to keep an inherited house is a significant decision with various factors to consider. Whether you plan to use it as your primary residence, a vacation home, or for rental income, it’s important to understand the responsibilities involved.

One of the key considerations is the upkeep and maintenance expenses of the property. Maintaining a house can be challenging and costly, especially if it’s older or hasn’t been well-maintained. You may need to cover repair costs, renovations, and general upkeep. Plus, any major changes to the home will require agreement from all co-owners.

Additionally, property taxes, insurance expenses, and property management fees (if you choose to rent it out) should be factored in. If there is an outstanding mortgage on the inherited property, you’ll need to continue making mortgage payments to avoid foreclosure. Ensuring timely payments is crucial.

So if you decide to keep the property as a rental, be prepared to take on the role of a landlord. This entails finding and managing tenants, addressing their concerns, and ensuring the property is safe and habitable.

Furthermore, it’s essential to understand the implications of capital gains tax if you eventually sell the property. If the property appreciates in value since the time of inheritance, you may be liable for capital gains tax on the profit when selling.

In certain situations, you may consider a buyout to acquire your sibling’s share of the property. A precise valuation of the home is crucial for a fair transaction. Seeking a professional appraisal can help determine the market value accurately.

Sharing Ownership of an Inherited House

When an inherited house is left to multiple siblings, they commonly become co-owners, each with an equal share and rights to the property. This means that all co-owners can use the property, contribute to its costs, and share in any profits from rental or sale.

However, shared ownership can present challenges, requiring cooperation and agreement on significant decisions like renting, selling, or renovating the property. Disagreements and tensions can arise if you and your siblings have conflicting preferences, such as one wanting to sell while another wishes to keep the property.

To manage such situations, a buyout can be an option, allowing one sibling to purchase the other’s share of the property. Alternatively, setting up an agreement that divides costs and profits based on each sibling’s share can be considered. In such cases, consulting a real estate lawyer to draft a co-ownership agreement can be beneficial.

Effective communication and negotiation are crucial regardless of the chosen approach. It’s essential to consider each sibling’s needs, preferences, and financial situation to find a solution that works for everyone involved. If negotiations reach an impasse, seeking guidance from a probate lawyer or mediator may be necessary. The objective should be to honor the wishes of the loved one who passed away while maintaining positive family relationships.

When maintaining the family home becomes financially challenging for all siblings, renting out the inherited property can be a practical solution. Rental income can help cover maintenance expenses, property taxes, and even mortgage payments, if any.

Probate Law and How It Works

Probate law is a legal process that occurs after someone passes away. It involves the distribution of their assets according to their will. In Nebraska, as in many other states, this process is overseen by a probate court.

When a loved one passes away, their estate, which includes all their property, debts, and personal items, goes into probate. The first step is appointing an executor, usually named in the will. If there is no will or the named executor cannot serve, the court will appoint an administrator.

The executor or administrator’s role is to manage the estate throughout the probate process. They must identify and inventory the deceased’s assets, appraise them, pay off any debts and taxes, and distribute the remaining assets to the rightful heirs or beneficiaries according to the will or state law.

Dealing with real estate can make the process more complex. If the deceased owned property jointly with others or left the property to multiple heirs, conflicts can arise. This is where probate law plays a significant role in mediating disputes and ensuring fair distribution.

Selling a house in probate can be a part of the process. If the deceased owned a home that needed to be sold, the executor or administrator may need to take care of the necessary legal steps to sell the inherited house. These steps ensure that the property is sold in accordance with probate laws and that the proceeds are properly distributed.

Probate Law and How it Works

Resolving Issues with Inherited Property

When you inherit a property, especially one split between siblings, it’s common for issues to come up. These can include disagreements over what to do with the property, how to share costs and profits, or how to manage it.

To resolve these issues, open and honest communication is key. Having a discussion about everyone’s wishes, financial abilities, and plans for the property can prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

Getting legal advice is also essential. Consulting with a probate or real estate lawyer can help you understand your rights and responsibilities during this legal process and guide your next steps.

If it comes to selling a newly inherited property split between siblings, a buyout might be a good solution. The sibling who wants to keep the property can buy out the other’s shares. Getting a fair and accurate valuation of the inherited house is vital to determine the buyout price.

Mediation is another option, especially if disagreements become heated. A neutral third party can assist with communication, suggest solutions, and help all parties reach a mutually agreeable outcome.

Understanding the tax implications of selling an inherited house is crucial. You may be liable for capital gains tax depending on how long you’ve owned the property. Seeking advice from a tax professional can provide clarity on potential tax obligations.

As a last resort, if all else fails, a partition lawsuit can be pursued. This legal action forces the sale of the property, with proceeds divided among the co-owners. However, it’s important to consider this as a last option due to significant legal fees and the potential to strain family relationships.

Remember, it’s important to prioritize the preservation of family relationships and the memory of your loved one. Working together and respecting each other’s wishes can help navigate the challenges of dealing with inherited property.


If you and your siblings need to sell an inherited property in Nebraska, you can force the sale under specific circumstances. However, this process can be complex and time-consuming. For a quick and hassle-free solution, consider Elemental Homebuyers.

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